
Codey Oxley

Last updated 2023-12-16.

What I'm working on

zstd dictionaries as a service.

Sampled recording of input, state collected, and decisions made for a high-volume request service.

Tooling to replay and introspect the above.

(Long form here)

What I wish I had time to work on

I've done nearly all of css-for-js... but the last lesson was last December.

I'm only two lessons in to Shift Nudge. I have a dream of being able to get my own interfaces realized. It'd be satisfying to create everything from design, to implementation, through to backend and optimization.

What I'm listening to

I've known for a long time that energetic, repetitive, instrumental music works best for my focus.

Dark trap has apparently been the fixation lately.

What I’m reading

It's truly my Year of Sanderson.

I've recently finished all published works in Brandon's universe: the Cosmere. Naturally I had to begin a reread of the series that introduced me.

This is the third book of his Stormlight Archives pentalogy.

What I’m watching

Carving time out to watch something is a tough sell.

Movies are go-to for that reason, but these are episodic and easy. Comfort rewatches.


I moved from Denver to NYC earlier this year.

Some thrive with remote work, but it was super challenging for me. Denver would have been ideal for living near the office and snowboarding every weekend. Apparently taking a seven sabbatical once getting there only lets you do the last bit.

NYC has my newest gig. Seemed like as good a place to try as any.

Missing friends and some comforts from building a life there, but I can always go back.

This is a now page

Hi, Derek.

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